In this section, learn what a Charetered Accountant actually does.
Understand what is Accounting & the fundamentals of Accounting.
Revenue = Income; Expense = Cost incurred; Asset = Things owned by the company; Liability = Things owed by the company
Depreciation is an important acounting terminology. Let's understand more about depreciation.
Calculate depreciation for the asset. You have been given the formula & calculator.
Auditing is a key function for Charetered Accountants. Let's learn what auditing actually is.
You have been provided with the Tally screen & various bills. You need to verify if all the items in the checklist have been correctly entered in the Tally screen.
As an auditor, you also have to check if the company has followed all the laws. Let's understand more about this.
You need to verify if the rules of Income Tax have been obeyed or no. You will find relevant information in the bills & Tally screen to find out if the rules have been obeyed.
Tax is another key function of a Charetered Accountant. Let's understand more about tax.
Use the calculator to calculate tax as per the Rules provided.
In this section we understand the challenges, work life balance, job satisfaction and other aspects of a Charetered Accountants life.